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Presenting Effectively in a Virtual World

Virtual Presentation
Virtual Presentation
05/28/24 Author Jay Sullivan

To Increase Your Impact, Think… To Increase Your Impact, Think From Your Audience’s Perspective


The next time you have to share an update at a meeting, give an important presentation, or deliver a speech…

Critical Thinking
04/30/24 Author Jay Sullivan

Improve Your Critical Thinking By… Improve Your Critical Thinking By Avoiding Assumptions


In an article earlier this month, I shared three questions we can ask ourselves in the moment to avoid allowing…

New Habits
04/18/24 Author Jay Sullivan

Replacing “No” with “Whoa.”: Three… Replacing “No” with “Whoa.”: Three Questions to Help Us Avoid Making Assumptions


Being human, we are prone to two behaviors that impact our ability to both think critically and communicate effectively. First,…

Pay Attention
03/18/24 Author Jay Sullivan

Complete Communicator: #1 Goal for… Complete Communicator: #1 Goal for 2024: Pay attention


We’re all now six weeks into our New Year’s resolutions. We’ve already figured out which ones we’re likely to stick…

02/14/23 Author Jay Sullivan

Complete Communication: How to Manage… Complete Communication: How to Manage Key Stakeholders


On a good day, running a law firm is a juggling act. On a rough day, it’s a goat rodeo,…

10/07/22 Author Jay Sullivan

Framing the Conversation Framing the Conversation


Leaders in burgeoning practices have multiple stakeholders to satisfy on a daily basis. Leaders shift their focus constantly from incoming client emails,…

02/26/21 Author Exec-Comm

Spark Profitable New Ideas by… Spark Profitable New Ideas by Speaking These Right Words


If you want to spur your team to innovate new ideas, it helps if you communicate with passion. Convey your…

02/01/21 Author Jay Sullivan

3 Pointers for Leading Virtual… 3 Pointers for Leading Virtual Training


To set yourself up for success when leading a virtual training session, do your best to replicate how people interact…

12/08/20 Author Ching Valdezco

Defusing Heated or Emotional Negotiations Defusing Heated or Emotional Negotiations


The ability to skillfully navigate difficult conversations is important for any negotiator. You’ve prepared for the negotiation by learning as…

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