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Presenting Effectively in a Virtual World

Virtual Presentation
Virtual Presentation
Critical Thinking
04/30/24 Author Jay Sullivan

Improve Your Critical Thinking By… Improve Your Critical Thinking By Avoiding Assumptions


In an article earlier this month, I shared three questions we can ask ourselves in the moment to avoid allowing…

New Habits
04/18/24 Author Jay Sullivan

Replacing “No” with “Whoa.”: Three… Replacing “No” with “Whoa.”: Three Questions to Help Us Avoid Making Assumptions


Being human, we are prone to two behaviors that impact our ability to both think critically and communicate effectively. First,…

03/27/24 Author Sam Sullivan

The Platinum Rule – Always… The Platinum Rule – Always more Valuable than Gold


The golden rule has lost its shine. Treat others as you would like to be treated is great advice, but…

05/10/23 Author Jay Sullivan

Complete Communicator: The Art of… Complete Communicator: The Art of the Client-Focused Conversation


When communicating in a professional setting, a person can only talk about one of three things. They can talk about…

03/24/23 Author Jay Sullivan

Complete Communicator: The Right Answer… Complete Communicator: The Right Answer to: “So, what do you do?”


While many professionals believe the art of communication is to know what to say, the true essence of effective communicating…

10/07/22 Author Jay Sullivan

Framing the Conversation Framing the Conversation


Leaders in burgeoning practices have multiple stakeholders to satisfy on a daily basis. Leaders shift their focus constantly from incoming client emails,…

09/23/22 Author Robert Chen

10 Decision-Making Principles That Will… 10 Decision-Making Principles That Will Help You Make Tough Calls


A conversation with the CEO of Meetup reveals perspectives and processes that help make challenging decisions. No matter what role…

04/15/22 Author Robert Chen

Why Smart People Struggle With… Why Smart People Struggle With Sales


Three common hurdles and how to overcome them If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance you went to…

10/07/21 Author Jay Sullivan

How to Communicate Calmly in… How to Communicate Calmly in a Crisis


At the consulting company Exec-Comm, Jay Sullivan specializes in teaching people how to communicate, including in crisis situations. Years working both…

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